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Friday, July 31, 2015

Buying Organic? Think Twice.

Union Square Farmers' Market NYC photo: wbj
Locally sourced, heirloom, heritage, grass fed, free range, cage free, wild caught, no antibiotics, hormone free, bio-dynamic, handmade (whew!) - are foodie buzz words to look for that can mean tastier, fresher food, higher quality, healthier husbandry, or environmentally friendly, as well as a lots of value added karma.

..Many people who pay the huge premium—often more than a hundred percent–for organic foods do so because they’re afraid of pesticides...
Union Square Farmers' Market NYC photo: wbj

It's good to be wary of the blaring ORGANIC labels.

Genuine organic can be a taste revelation - a wow moment with a favorite food. But often the price is a wow, really, moment too.

A recent article in Forbes had some eye opening and potentially cost saving information.

...USDA reported in 2012 that 43 percent of the 571 samples of “organic” produce tested violated the government’s organic regulations and that “the findings suggest that some of the samples in violation were mislabeled conventional products, while others were organic products that hadn’t been adequately protected from prohibited pesticides.”...

Union Square Farmers' Market NYC photo: wbj

One of the best ways to get the most choice selections and the best price is to get to know the people behind the counter. So many are super informed and want to share.

Cooking Lounge

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Grilled Steak and Charred Potatoes in 30 minutes

Grilled Ribeye Steak with Rosemary Lemon Oil

Charred Fingerling Potatoes

Off the grill, on your plate in under 30 minutes. Quick, easy and flavorful summer eating at its best. 

(video guide for preparation)

Be sure to add a colorful salad or grill some seasonal vegetables - corn, summer squash, eggplant, etc -  to balance out the meal, and maybe feed a vegetarian. 

Grilled fruits like peaches, nectarines, and pineapples are smoky, sweet summery sides. Grilled fruits are even more awesome when dressed up for dessert with ice cream, sorbet, whipped cream, spices like cinnamon or with a finishing sprinkle of crunchy unrefined cane sugar.

Here's a link to in season summer fruits and vegetables. Eat Fresh!

Get the the ins and outs of preparing the steak and potatoes, here in the New York Post.

Ahh summer days, don't forget the sunscreen... and oh, oh the summer nights.

Cooking Lounge

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Life Hack : : Peeled Garlic Supply in a Snap

Cook faster. Eating sooner.

Peeled garlic is a kitchen essential. Discovering a Life Hack that's a time saving, seamless addition is sweet



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beefsteak Brunetta Salsa Fresca

Salsa Fresca 
with Beefsteak and Brunetta Tomato
Quick and easy salsa with a twist, for Cinco de Mayo and the whole summer

The Brunetta tomato (aka Kumato, brown tomato) adds a sweet, earthy flavor to this mildly spicy and refreshing salsa. 

Turn down the heat with 1/2 a medium sized jalapeno (finely chopped) along with usual ingredients - cilantro, fresh lime, onion, splash of white vinegar, sea salt and pepper.

I made approximately 3 cups using 2 Beefsteak and 3 small Brunetta. 

Have fun; add garlic; use chives, other fresh herbs; switch up the citrus with orange or lemon. 

Try Beefsteak Brunetta Salsa Fresca on simply prepared fish or chicken, for a light and healthy entree, bursting with bright, sunny flavors. So glad Yummm!

Tell us how you use salsa fresca?

Cooking Lounge

After a break to recharge and experiment with new ideas, back with exciting food, lifestyle and music tips for you. 

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