Spring, Awright! photo wbj
FOOD/LIFESTYLE:Lately, several people (yo! Gordon, was listening) have told me they would cook more and eat healthier, if they had a guide. Once you wrap your head around 'no need for a big production' and understand the basics, cooking a good meal is simple. In New York City, people expect and accept near empty fridges.
Eating in means calling out. With subtle lifestyle adjustments, you can chow fresh food and feel full and satisfied. Plus, you will save a chunk of change. That's money for drinks later. Go out; it's Spring.
Here's the Cooking Lounge Top 10 for Easy Cooking.
Top 10 Easy Cooking Tips
- Olive Oil
- Butter
- Sea Salt and Black Peppercorns (buy a grinder)
- Brown Rice, whole grains or other good carbohydrates (fiber, fiber, fiber)
- Pasta
- Garlic
- Onions
- Quality Herbs and Spices (buy a pre-filled spice rack)
- Fresh produce (salad greens, tomato, zucchini, green beans, kale, spinach, whatever you eat or is convenient or is in SEASON). Seasonal produce tends to be fresher, more local.
- Fresh chicken, beef, pork, seafood (or a meat substitute if a vege... protein is the point)
Let's be real. This is doable. You can pick-up a meat or a veg on the way home from work, or stock up on items over the weekend. Plus, there are companies like Fresh Direct that will deliver in a lot of metropolitan areas. If you travel a bit or have an unpredictable schedule, buy high quality frozen vegetables and stick the meat or seafood in the freezer (in serving portions - so it's grab, thaw, cook).
The bottom-line is have it in the house; so, you can cook a quick, easy, healthy, meal.
Suggest you cook a batch of brown rice in advance when you have a little downtime because brown rice can take 45 minutes or so. Or get the quick cook version (not my usual choice). With the cooked brown rice on hand, all you need to do is microwave or reheat with a little water and a touch of oil or butter in pan. Quinoa is a great side dish that is making its way onto more US plates. Pasta is a no brainer and fast. Add whole-wheat pasta to your choices for a change.
Now, all you have to do is saute, broil or bake your meat or seafood. Make a salad. Wilt some spinach with slivers of garlic and squeeze lemon over it. Saute green beans and toss with strips of red peppers. Broil some zucchini brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with herbs.
Snap. Done. Minimal mess. Minimal fuss. Minimal cost. Give this a try!
Garden of Eden is one of my favorite food places in the New York City area. They import a wide range of specialty foods; so if you look around, you will find bargains. Check out the Garden of Eden with shelves and aisles ladened with goodness.
Oh and as I have noted before, I am not a health or food expert; so, it is best to check with you doctor prior to making significant lifestyle changes.
Spare beauty and a dark resonance haunts The xx's music. The single "Crystalised" topped the UK charts in 2009. I listened to several tracks on the debut release "xx" plus some Rough Trade bonus tracks. "Heart Skipped a Beat" is my favorite at the moment. Thought of the soulful, engrossing pull of Portishead on "Dummy" while listening to The xx. "VCR" is the latest single, released in January 2010. Here's the video.
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